Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Late Arrival

Hi there.

I come back as a Late Arrival. One day later and I would get problems ;)

After posting this, Ill change the GNDT: Im a Physician now. If anyone wounded wants to be healed: I would do so. :) As there is no money in this game, you can pay me with information, if you want. ;)


Kevan: he/him

17-02-2010 17:54:09 UTC

Bolting the door concerns players who idled out earlier in the dynasty (or a previous one) and would get an unfair edge if they rejoined right at the end of the game. It doesn’t affect use of the “Late Arrival” mechanic.


17-02-2010 18:57:50 UTC

Oh, of course. I should read Proposals again, before linking to them. So, its more or less fair, that I was killed. :)