Story Post: Lawsuit: Assault and Scammery
Multiplier: $200M
Everybody knows what the Victim, Chronos Phaenon, pulled on me last week. A CfJ and a Proposal have failed to get me a refund—fair enough. I was the clear leader and nobody had a problem with seeing me taken down a peg. But now Chronos is in the lead, and I’ve taken my recourse from the criminal courts to the civil circuit.
Put simply: vote for me, and I’ll give you $10M of my Cash as a token of good faith. When the Lawsuit is over, I’ll split any profit equally between myself and all the FOR voters (that’s potentially $200M each), and destroy the remainder. PLUS, if I win, I’ll give each of my voters the Naming Rights to the Daemon of their choice (except Summoning Cost 5 Souls, of course). And if I fail to live up to that—which I won’t—well, you can probably make a lot of money by suing me in turn…
Remember, the first 24 hours are not technically the voting period, so feel free to discuss but don’t start voting until 23:45 on Sunday. By my reading of the Ruleset, votes made before then won’t count.
Oooooh a juicy deal. If the others dont find any loopholes I MIGHT vote for you.