Proposal: Lazy Barons
Failed - Withdrawn. TDS
Adminned at 07 Sep 2022 02:52:45 UTC
Revert the changes made to the rule “Infrastructure” by “Hard Work or Hardly Working” if it passed.
Add a new subrule of “Keeps” titled “Infrastructure Work”:
Some Infrastructures may contain a [Workable] tag. [Workable] tags represent that an Infrastructure can be Worked, and are always followed by:
*A positive integer representing the number of times the Work is to be performed.
*A list of Attributes necessary to perform the Work, each with an Optimum Level in parentheses.
*An effect if the Work is successful, and an optional effect if the Work fails (if unspecified, it can be assumed nothing happens if the Work fails).When an Infrastructure is Worked, the following occurs a number of times specified by the tag:
*The Affinities of the Infrastructure’s Migrants over every Attribute required for the Work are summed (capped at the Attribute’s Optimal Level).
*The summed values for the needed Affinities are then multiplied together; this yields the Work Success.
*1DICEN is rolled, where N is the product of all the Optimal Levels the Work has; if the result is less than the Work Success, then the Work’s successful effect is applied and otherwise the Work’s failure effect is applied.When a Work effect refers to gaining, losing, or otherwise manipulating resources without specifying a location, it can be assumed that the effect is referring to the Personal Stockpile of the Baron whose Keep contains the Infrastructure that is being Worked, unless stated otherwise.
Add a new subrule of “Labour” titled “Migrant Labour”:
As a Daily Communal Action, any Baron or the Demon King may perform the following Atomic Action, known as Cracking the Whip:
*For every Infrastructure in every Keep, if that Infrastructure contains at least 1 Migrant and its effect contains the [Workable] tag, then Work that Infrastructure. After this Atomic Action is complete, taxes from resources gained in this way are applied at random.
Change the effect of the Infrastructure “Mine” to read:
“[Workable] 5 times: Power (10), Resilience (6). Success: gain 1 randomly selected Iron Ore, Stone (uncut), or Coal.”
Change the effect of the Infrastructure “Lumbermill” to read:
“[Workable] 3 times: Power (4), Quickness (4). Success: gain 1 Wood (log).”
Shifting away from a grindable daily action system to a more automatic “someone can crack the whip every day to get the migrants to do their work”, letting you allocate your migrants once and not have to check in to get more resources every day. Also making Affinities have an effect on work success.
Don’t be scared by the mathy process to calculate the work results; I’ve written a program to do the dice rolling and calculations for you which I’m willing to share. Essentially all it means is “the closer your Affinities are to the Optimal Levels, the more likely a Work will succeed, and if they’re all Optimal you will succeed just about 100% of the time”.