Proposal: Leading Roles (might) Make you Famous v2
Passed, 7-3. Josh
Adminned at 14 Feb 2007 09:22:02 UTC
If the Proposal “We Need Compensation II-rc2” is passed, this proposal has no effect.
In the Ruleset change rule 2.4 Fame to read as follows:
Every Actor has a Fame statistic, tracked in the GNDT. Fame is an integer from 0-100. Actors start with a Fame of 0.
Create a new Rule called “Press Conference and After Party” with text:
Whenever an Actor adds a film and ‘’‘named role’‘’ to eir own Filmography, e must make a GNDT comment of “PRESS DICE100” and then make a ‘’‘Press Conference Post’‘’ within 15 minutes, or else the addition of that film and role is considered invalid (as if it had never been made).
A post to the main blog is considered a ‘’‘Press Conference Post’‘’ if all of the following are satisfied:
* The author has added a film and named role to eir own Filmography within the previous 15 minutes
* The author has not already made a Press Conference Post since the addition of that film and role
* The post reports the title of that film and the name of that role
* The post reports the result of the first “PRESS DICE100” roll the author made in the GNDT since adding that film and role
* The post reports its author’s Fame statistic
* The post is titled “Press Conference”When an Actor makes a Press Conference Post, if the reported DICE100 result is less than or equal to half of eir Fame, then e becomes the subject of the first Gossip Story named in comments to the post by another Actor (as soon as such a comment is made). If the result is greater than half of eir Fame, the post is also considered an ‘’‘After Party Post’‘’, and the author of the post is its Host.
Every Actor that is currently in the same location as the Host is a Guest to the After party, and the Host and Guests gain fame as follows:
*The Host gains 1 Fame for every other Actor that is a Guest of the party, with a minimum gain of 1, and a maximum gain of 10.
*Every Guest gains an amount of fame equal to 1/10 of the Fame that the Host had at the time the post was made (rounded up to the next whole number), with a minimum gain of 1, and a maximum gain of 5.
*The Host is responsible for updating eir own Fame and the Fame of every Guest within 10 minutes of posting the Press Conference Post.
This change eliminates the Fire Drill aspect of the original idea, and provides some meaning to the Location aspect of the GDNT.