Proposal: Lebensraum
Failed 1-3 (timed out). Failed by smith.
Adminned at 10 Oct 2005 06:45:04 UTC
Rewrite Territories, so it reads:
Each Territory shall be adjacent to at least one other territory. That shall be listed in the World page.
At any time, if a Territory is adjacent to no other territory, it shall become adjacent to the Hegemonist’s Homeland.
At any time, if a Territory has less than a minimum of N adjacencies, a DICEX shall be rolled for that Territory, where X is equal to the number of existing territories. Make the territory being rolled for Adjacent to the territory whose number corresponds to the DICE roll (and vice versa). If a DICE roll corresponds to a territory that is already Adjacent to the territory being rolled for, or the DICE roll corresponds to the territory being rolled for, roll again.
The minimum of N adjacencies for a non-Oceanic Territory is 3 and for an Oceanic one is 5.
Whenever a new Country joins the game, there shall be created a “((Country)) Homeland”, named after the new Country, who will control the newly created Territory.
Whenever a Country’s Proposal passes, that country may roll a DICEY, where Y is the margin of votes at which the Proposal Passed (FOR - AGAINST votes). Upon rolling a number greater than Y/2, e may create a Territory which must be adjacent to eir Homeland. E does not automatically control that Territory.
At any time, if no non-Oceanic Territory adjacent to Chronos Phaenon Homeland is Uncontrolled, the Hegemonist must create a Territory, adjacent to eir Homeland.
If there are an even number of Territories in the World, then when a new Territory is added, it must be of type Oceanic. When determining the adjacencies of an Oceanic Territories.
1. Marco Polo effect can happen with any proposal that passes by more than 2 votes, roughly 30-50% of the time
2. Territories are guaranteed to have 3 or 5 adjacencies. Even after use of Portable Mountain.
3. There is always an uncontrolled territory next to C-P homeland, and potentially lots of non-uncontrolled ones.
(Also the last line is meaningless.)