Thursday, September 27, 2012

Proposal: [Lecture]  Proposal Rewards

Times out 4 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 29 Sep 2012 04:00:09 UTC

Add a new Dynastic rule to the ruleset.  Call it “[PPH] Proposal Homework” and give it the following text:

If a Student makes a Story Post that invokes this rule by name and has Citations to four different Proposals, each authored by that Student and enacted on or after September 29th, 2012, that Student Scores.

The fundamental constant across all Dynasties is the Proposal, and for good reason.  The power to change the rules is the ‘hook’ that draws players into playing nomic.  Voting is the main means of interacting with other players.  And the rules they create determine the dynasty’s fate.  Dynasties succeed or fail based on the constant stream of proposals from the body of Students.

Therefore, dynasties that put an incentive on proposals tend to remain interesting for longer than those that don’t.  Proposal rewards are such a good idea that they were standard for pre-Switch dynasties. They seem to have fallen out of favor recently, which may be partly to blame for dynastic stagnation.


IceFromHell: Idle

27-09-2012 02:08:25 UTC


Kevan: he/himIdle

27-09-2012 09:33:25 UTC

The danger of proposal rewards is that they make voting more tactical, and can have a braking effect on enactment. My vote is no longer simply on whether a player’s idea or fix would be good for the game, it is also on whether I want that player to be rewarded for it. I think it’s probably healthier to use the arrow system, where approving of a reward is a separate action to approving of the proposal.

But a one-off reward might be okay, here.


Josh: he/they

27-09-2012 10:44:46 UTC
