Call for Judgment: Legalize grass.
Fails at 1-10. -Purplebeard
Adminned at 01 Jun 2011 02:18:17 UTC
coppro harvested three times this week.
Now, I can’t believe this not being intentional, he surely knew what e was doing.
So, in my opinion a Nomic is a game about bending the concept of legality to suit your needs (and give you victory), not to break rules trying not to get caught. English has a word for that: cheating.
And I don’t want that the punishment for cheating to be “let’s revert this and don’t speak about it any more”.
So, create a Dynastic Rule called “Desertification”:
Whenever the Farmer named coppro harvests, e shall gain 100 less Sun than what described in rule Resources. E may then repel this rule.
for obvious reasons