Saturday, October 22, 2011

Proposal: Legislate metadynasties

Failed by CfJ: Consensus Gamestate—Chronos Phaenon

Adminned at 23 Oct 2011 05:06:31 UTC

Amend Rule 1.3 by replacing

Each Dynasty is headed by a single Artist, known as the Critic.


Each Dynasty may be headed by a single Artist, known as the Critic.  If there is no Critic, the Dynasty is a Metadynasty.

(If “Artist” and “Critic” have been replaced in the Ruleset, use the new terms in the text to replace and replacement text.)

The existing rule arguably requires there to be an emperor, although that hasn’t stopped anyone in the past.


Prince Anduril: Idle

22-10-2011 11:49:31 UTC

for Yep. Fair enough.

Murphy: Idle

22-10-2011 11:58:52 UTC


Soviet Brendon: Idle

22-10-2011 13:02:29 UTC


Spitemaster: Idle

22-10-2011 13:10:43 UTC


Pavitra: Idle

22-10-2011 13:20:18 UTC

for but is “to replace and replacement text” really the right wording?

ais523: Custodian

22-10-2011 13:34:33 UTC

for Pavitra, you’re reading it incorrectly; (terms to replace) and (replacement text).

Kevan: he/himIdle

22-10-2011 13:47:39 UTC

against “Use the new terms” is arguably vague enough for the enacting admin to insert them wherever he or she wishes, and this proposal was made by Comex.

Kevan: he/himIdle

22-10-2011 13:55:35 UTC

Although hm, the scam I had in mind tails off and doesn’t actually get anywhere useful, on closer inspection.

Bucky: Idle

22-10-2011 14:03:29 UTC


redtara: they/themIdle

22-10-2011 14:22:39 UTC

for Fortunately, comex is not an admin.

Kevan: he/himIdle

22-10-2011 14:29:40 UTC

[Ienpw] It’s not impossible to collude with an admin, and at least a couple of admins (including Coppro last dynasty) have been known to enact proposals under legal but perverse interpretations, either to cause somebody to win, or because it amuses them.

Kevan: he/himIdle

22-10-2011 15:19:26 UTC

(And oh, I thought it was Comex who made the Agoran takeover CfJ when I said “this proposal was made by Comex”, but it was actually Coppro, looking back.)

Ely: Idle

22-10-2011 16:09:07 UTC


monqy: Idle

22-10-2011 17:36:58 UTC


Roujo: he/himIdle

22-10-2011 17:42:16 UTC


Sgeo: Idle

22-10-2011 17:49:02 UTC

for I don’t see what Kevan is saying? How could those words be inserted anywhere? I’ll change my vote if it’s explained to me.

Ornithopter: Idle

22-10-2011 18:36:55 UTC


zuff: Idle

22-10-2011 19:03:26 UTC


Kevan: he/himIdle

22-10-2011 19:25:02 UTC

[sgeo] It just says to “use the new terms” in the sentence. Enacting it as “If there Player is no Player Emperor Emperor, the Emperor Dynasty is a Emperor Player Emperor Metadynasty.” - I can’t see any way to produce a scammable sentence, but maybe I’m missing something.

This is probably trivial, but I’m wary of saying “never mind, this is probably trivial” when the game is in the balance.

Pavitra: Idle

22-10-2011 19:44:06 UTC

Ooh, I just saw one: it doesn’t say instead of Artist/Critic. You could have “Each Dynasty may be headed by a single Artist Player”, effectively disqualifying all Players from being Emperor, and forcing all Dynasties to be Metadynasties until it was fixed.

Qwazukee: Idle

22-10-2011 20:02:13 UTC


Kevan: he/himIdle

22-10-2011 20:05:41 UTC

[Pavitra] Given that we’re heading into a metadynasty anyway, I suppose we can live with that.

Josh: he/they

22-10-2011 21:10:26 UTC


scshunt: Idle

22-10-2011 21:21:30 UTC


scshunt: Idle

22-10-2011 21:36:46 UTC

I’m tempted to vote against just because this rule seems to never get enacted

ChronosPhaenon: Idle

22-10-2011 21:42:02 UTC


Darknight: he/himIdle

22-10-2011 23:10:39 UTC


Klisz: Idle

23-10-2011 01:54:54 UTC
