Friday, October 28, 2011

Proposal: Legislative Daycare Options

Failed on behalf of arthexis, by arthexis
(if the previous failing was illegal, failed on behalf of arthexis by Bucky)

Adminned at 28 Oct 2011 12:44:15 UTC

Create a new rule, “Proposal Protection Services”:

In today’s economy, Players can’t afford to bring bread to the table without working two or even three proposals at once. In order to more evenly distribute fillibustering opportunities, players who are the authors of less than 2 pending Proposals can become Guardians of any Pending Dynastic Proposals for which they are not already the author, and which have no other Guardian.

To become Guardian of a Proposal, the Executing Player must make a comment of “[PROTECTION SERVICE]” on that Proposal, ON BEHALF OF its author, within the first 24 hours since the creation of the Proposal. Then, the Executing player becomes Guardian of the proposal and is considered the sole author of that Proposal.

If at least half the EVC contain the phrase “Food Stamps”, then at the end of the previous rule add:

If this is the first time the Executing Player has become a Guardian in the last 48 hours, and that Player has 3 or less SP, that player becomes elegible to receive a Stimulus Package.


Arthexis Industries, bringing innovation to Nomic mechanics that you have never seen before!


arthexis: he/him

28-10-2011 02:03:20 UTC

for EAV, Food Stamps


28-10-2011 03:15:57 UTC

for  Food Stamps


28-10-2011 04:27:45 UTC

for Food Stamps.


28-10-2011 06:04:05 UTC

against So much for getting SP for authoring an enacted proposal

Josh: he/they

28-10-2011 06:07:40 UTC

against So you can just take over any proposal and then self-kill it?

arthexis: he/him

28-10-2011 06:21:28 UTC

Bucky: You don’t get SP for enacted proposals unless you use the representation mechanic. And if you do, you can always explicitly list yourself, so you will get SP anyways.

Josh: You can’t self-kill a proposal you are guarding. Rule 1.6 states that the proposal can be failed if “the Player that Proposed it has voted AGAINST” even if you aquire authorship, you are not the player that proposed it.

Josh: he/they

28-10-2011 07:43:31 UTC

However 1.5 has “If a Player Votes against their own Proposal” and that can certainly be argued to refer to “sole authorship”.


28-10-2011 07:46:23 UTC

against Massively vulnerable to timing scams; makes writing a proposal a bad idea.


28-10-2011 08:03:04 UTC


Kevan: he/him

28-10-2011 08:48:22 UTC



28-10-2011 10:50:57 UTC

against  Food stamps


28-10-2011 10:55:05 UTC



28-10-2011 11:51:05 UTC


Prince Anduril:

28-10-2011 12:01:05 UTC



28-10-2011 14:28:25 UTC

CoV against
Actually, it’s possible that the proposal can be neither failed or enacted, assuming it doesn’t meet any of the other requirements for failing.  It can only be enacted if not self-killed (which by 1.5 is an author vote against) and can be failed if the Player who proposed it voted against.
Wait, no, it would be failed by “It has enough AGAINST Votes that it could not be Enacted without one of those Votes being changed.”


28-10-2011 14:50:25 UTC


SingularByte: he/him

28-10-2011 16:44:59 UTC



28-10-2011 17:39:11 UTC

against Food Stamps, per ais523


28-10-2011 18:44:35 UTC


arthexis: he/him

28-10-2011 19:15:01 UTC

against SK, I am rewording this.