Friday, July 12, 2019

Proposal: [Plato reference here]

Reached quorum 6 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 15 Jul 2019 08:11:08 UTC


A wizard may “associate” with a court ally by selecting an identity, spending an amount of favor greater which is both greater than zero and greater than the trust of any court allies in the GNDT with that identity, removing any courtly allies in the GNDT with that identity, and adding to their court allies an ally with the chosen identity and a trust equal to the court favor spent.


A wizard may “associate” with a court ally by selecting an identity, spending an amount of favor which is both greater than zero and greater than the trust of any court allies with that identity, then transferring (or adding, if they are associated to nobody yet) to their court allies an ally with the chosen identity and setting their trust to the court favor spent.

Weird and exploitable to have the GNDT itself be a factor there. Fixing it.


TyGuy6: Idle

13-07-2019 05:36:00 UTC

Cool, good fix. Can you still associate with an ally you already have? Weird edge case, but it could come up.

TyGuy6: Idle

13-07-2019 05:36:11 UTC


Farsight: Idle

13-07-2019 06:19:03 UTC


Kevan: he/himIdle

13-07-2019 07:10:47 UTC


derrick: he/himIdle

13-07-2019 12:47:34 UTC


redtara: they/themIdle

13-07-2019 17:46:46 UTC


Kaia: Idle

13-07-2019 17:49:04 UTC

Why against? If this is a scam I’ll cov

redtara: they/themIdle

14-07-2019 01:40:07 UTC

Doesn’t really strike me as either weird or exploitable as it exists, so I tend towards conservatism in modifying the rules.