Proposal: Less Math. More Explosions
Passes 3-0. Adminned by Rodney.
Adminned at 24 Apr 2014 08:24:15 UTC
Repeal all changes made by the proposal “Heat, now with 16.6% less usage of the word ‘Mass’”
Repeal the rules “Reagents” and “Fusion”
In the rule “Atomic Structure” replace
An Atom has an Electronegativity equal to the following: (2 x Charge) + (Electrons Mod 8) - Floor(Electrons/8)
Electronegativity can be negative.
An Atom has a number of Valence Electrons equal to its Electrons Mod 8.
Repeal the rule “Ionization” and make a new rule under the same name
If the sum of the Valence Electrons of two Atoms is equal to 8, either Atom may choose to move, from the Atom with less Valence Electrons to the Atom with more Valence Electrons, the lowest amount of Electrons that will make both Atoms’ Valence Electrons 0.
In the rule “Ionic Bonding” replace
If two Ions are incapable of undergoing Ionization with each other and have opposite Charges
If two Ions have opposite Charges
Upon enaction of this proposal, create a blank wiki page entitled “Space”
Add a rule entitled “Space”
A number representing an amount of Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons will be stored on the wiki page entitled “Space.” As a daily action, an Atom may take some Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons from Space. To do so, an Atom shall make a GNDT comment containg nothing but “Taking DICEX Y from Space” where Y is the thing that the Atom would like to take, and X is the amount of Y that exists in Space divided by 4, rounded up. The rolled amount of Y from Space to the Atom. The wiki page entitled “Space” will have the following format:
Upon enaction of this proposal, add up all of the Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons in Reagents and move them to Space.
Add to the rule “Ionic Bonding”
There are two types of bonds: Direct and Indirect. A Direct bond is a standard Bond between two Atoms. An Indirect Bond is when two Atoms are both Directly Bonded with a common third Atom. Atoms are also considered to be Indirectly Bonded if they are both Indirectly Bonded with a common Atom. This definition of Indirect Bonding can be repeated recursively. That means, for example, in A-B-C-D-E-F where a letter represents an Atom and a ‘-’ represents a bond, A is Indirectly Bonded to C, D, E, and F, while C is Indirectly Bonded to A, E, and F.
Add a rule entitled “Explosions”
Atoms can Explode. An Atom may make themselves Explode at any time if they have at least 30 Protons and 30 Neutrons. When an Atom Explodes, half of their Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons, rounded up, are moved to Space, and any Atoms Directly Bonded to the Atom also Explode, but only lose one fourth of their Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons, rounded up.
Repeal the rule “Fission” and create a new rule by the same name
An Atom has a Nuclear Instability equal to their Protons minus their Neutrons, or 0 if the result is negative. If an Atom’s Nuclear Instability is greater than 0, the Atom is Fissionable. If it has been at least one day since any Atom has checked to see if the Fissionable Atom Explodes, any Atom may check to see if the Fissionable Atom Explodes. To do so, the Atom rolls DICEX where X is equal to the Fissionable Atom’s Mass. If the Result is less than or equal to the Fissionable Atom’s Nuclear Instability, they Explode.
Add a rule entitled “Collision”
Any Atom may, as a daily action, Collide with another Atom. The Atom choosing to Collide will Explode no matter what, but it will only lose one fourth of its Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons, rounded up, instead of losing half. To Collide with an Atom, the Atom wishing to Collide shall declare that they are attempting to Collide with [The name of the Atom they wish to Collide with], and roll DICEX, where X is double the amount of Direct and Indirect Bonds of the Atom being Collided with. If X is 0, DICE1 is used instead. If a 1 is rolled, the Atom being Collided with will Explode.
Basically, I’m proposing that we rewrite the majority of the rules. This gets rid of Heat and the Ionization system(including Electronegativity), both of which used quite a bit of math, which was somewhat boring. It replaces the Ionization system with a new, less overwhelming system which allows for both more interesting and more realistic Ionic Bonds. It adds a system where rather than having a lot of Reagents, we simply have a pile of unused Atomic Particles, which is added to by Exploding Atoms and can be taken from by any Atoms. The Space thing also replaces Fusion, which this proposal would remove. Fission is still there, but in a less complicated format, and with more usage of the word ‘Explode’ rather than ‘Decay’ because focus groups have shown that our demographic prefers the word ‘Explode’ to ‘Decay’ (I’m kidding. It’s really because I was adding the Explosion thing anyway and for the sake of simplicity I figured it might as well be used in Fission). Finally, this adds a system of Collision where Atoms can Collide with other Atoms and make both Explode. Collision is heavily dependent on Ionic Bonds. It is noteworthy that in the event of a Collision, all Bonds between Atoms involved in the Collision are usually broken.
The Collision System will most likely make some numbers less stagnant, hopefully getting rid of the uncomfortable amount of 1s and 0s on the GNDT. I only read over all of this about three times, which means there are bound to be some errors. I tried to make this chaosish, but it might not be chaotic enough. If IceFromHell’s proposal passes I’ll probably kill this.