Proposal: Let there be light
Reaches quorum with 8-0 and is enacted -SingularByte
Adminned at 09 Dec 2022 06:33:01 UTC
If Proposal “Hello Darkness My Old Bro” is not enacted then this Proposal has no effect.
Add a new Dynastic Rule to the Ruleset. Call it “Items”, and give it the following text:
Items are objects that can be held by an Explorer. Held items are publicly tracked per Explorer in Banewood Mansion. Items can also be picked up, dropped, and used at any time during the Explorers Phase.
If an Item is picked up in a Room, it is considered held by the Explorer. It must be removed from the Items publicly tracked for the Room in Banewood Mansion.
If an Item is dropped, it is no longer held by the Explorer. It must be added to the Items publicly tracked for the Room in Banewood Mansion.
Items may be added to a Room at any time by the Narrator.
Add a subrule to “Items” called “Flashlight” and give it the following text:
When a flashlight is held, the Explorer can use it by renaming it “Lit Flashlight” or “Unlit Flashlight”. Each Explorer may hold a maximum of 1 flashlight at any time.
When named “Lit Flashlight”, a Room is Lit if this Item is in the Room or is held by an Explorer that is in the Room.
Add “Lit Flashlight” to the Items for the Room “Foyer” in Banewood Mansion.
I’m aware that this will chase away the Dark for now, but I’m anticipating a way to limit how long the flashlights last, or other ways to cause them to malfunction and go Unlit.
SingularByte: he/him
For the question of preceding the name with an integer, I would assume that would vanish the moment a player renames it (such as with the flashlight renaming). I’d probably go with giving each one a flavour text label which cannot be changed by anyone but yourself and which explicitly serves to keep track of which one is which.