Proposal: Lets Gamble!
Failed by Hix
Adminned at 27 Oct 2006 11:33:26 UTC
Often, a vegetable may EITHER reduce its Beard Length by 15 and target another vegetable by making a comment to the GNDT of “GAMBLE XXXX DICEY†Where XXXX is the name of a another vegetable and Y is the total number of “Special Enhancements†in the rules plus four OR reduce its Beard Length by 10 choose to target itself by making a comment to the GNDT of “GAMBLE SELF DICEY†where Y is the same value as before.
If the result is Y, the targeted vegetable’s beard length is increased by 100.
If the result is Y-1, the targeted vegetable’s Healthfulness and Tastiness are decreased by 3 each.
If the result is Y-2 or Y-3, nothing happens.
If the result is anything else, the Nth enhancement (as ordered by the rules) where N is the dice roll is applied on the vegetable. If the vegetable already has that enhancement, the enhancement is then removed.
Clucky: he/him