Saturday, May 06, 2023

Proposal: Let’s get down to business (to defeat the Huns)

Times out 6-0 and is enacted -SingularByte

Adminned at 08 May 2023 09:22:15 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule, called Kickstart:

Any City Architect who does not control a City may create a City at any time. No City Architect may carry out the daily communal population increase action.

If more than 80% of City Architects control a City, or if it is after 11 May 2023, any City Architect may carry out the Kickstart action, which is a communal atomic action with the following steps:

* Create enough Regions that all Regions except one would contain exactly three Cities;
* Randomly assign Cities to those Regions, such that no Region has more than three Cities in it;
* Repeal this rule.



06-05-2023 09:44:27 UTC

Nothing stops this one anamolous region from being very large. There should be an upper bound for the number of citites that could be a part of this anamolous region.

Josh: he/they

06-05-2023 10:00:00 UTC

The exit Regions rule caps region size at 4


06-05-2023 10:05:54 UTC

Good point. Clearly I’m still new here

SingularByte: he/him

06-05-2023 10:09:31 UTC

It might be worth removing the enacting admin advantage by disallowing populating for at least the first couple of days that the rule is active. Otherwise you could enact the rule, make the first city, then populate before anyone has a chance to act.

I’d take advantage of it myself, but honestly I can’t be bothered to mess around with trying to time my votes like that this early in the dynasty, especially since others will likely try the same.

Josh: he/they

06-05-2023 10:18:56 UTC

Thank you, good catch

redtara: they/them

06-05-2023 11:43:51 UTC

I don’t see why we’d do it this way when we could straightforwardly create a city for everyone and assign them to regions to essentially the same result but with less faffing about.

Josh: he/they

06-05-2023 12:35:32 UTC

Couple of reasons, for me: 1, if regions are meaningful I think it would be better if they are definitely populated by players who have opted in to play, rather than who are just hanging on from the last dynasty; 2, the existing stipulation around players making their cities gets murky if they’re not the one carrying out the act; 3, doing things is fun, of in doubt always give people things do to

Josh: he/they

06-05-2023 12:36:42 UTC

Naming, not making

SingularByte: he/him

06-05-2023 14:30:30 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

06-05-2023 15:14:32 UTC


jjm3x3: he/him

06-05-2023 21:02:56 UTC



06-05-2023 21:24:19 UTC

“Create enough Regions that all Regions except one would contain exactly three Cities” may make the second step impossible. For example, if there are 7 Cities, the first step makes two regions, and the second step always fails the random assignment by the pidgeonhole principle.

redtara: they/them

06-05-2023 21:46:37 UTC

First step would surely produce three regions? Two containing exactly three cities, and one exception, containing one.

I had qualms about if there were say 6 cities, but the same principle basically holds. Two with three, one with none.

SingularByte: he/him

07-05-2023 06:22:05 UTC

I do see Bucky’s interpretation as the correct one, but luckily the current player count should avoid that problem, and it’s a temporary issue since the rule will be repealed sooner or later.

Plus we can patch it if it breaks before it triggers.

Josh: he/they

07-05-2023 07:08:33 UTC

I’m not following that argument, is this some esoteric maths thing? If there are 7 cities, how would that produce only two regions - surely it would split 3-3-1?

SingularByte: he/him

07-05-2023 08:58:07 UTC

You’re creating enough regions that each region except one contains exactly 3 cities. Maximum size is 4, as per the rule on regions. Therefore, to create the minimum number of regions, you create a 3 and a 4. However, now that you’re distributing the cities, the 4 is invalid so the action gets rolled back.

Josh: he/they

07-05-2023 09:54:59 UTC

Aaaaaah! I did bad logic. Well, easy fix I guess.

Kevan: he/him

07-05-2023 17:11:10 UTC


Snisbo: she/they

08-05-2023 00:11:34 UTC

for Assuming the bug gets fixed