Proposal: Let’s get some skills adde
reached a quorum, final vote 7-0—Yoda
Adminned at 18 Jul 2008 07:55:31 UTC
Create the following as sub-rules of the Dynastic rule “Skills”
Bravery with the text:
Bravery represents an Adventurers ability to overcome fear.
Reveling with the text
Reveling represents an Adventurers ability to make merry with townsfolk (or monsters) through drinking, loud singing, and other such activities.
Thievery with the text:
Thievery represents an Adventurers ability to find and disable traps, take items from others without being noticed and pick locks on doors and treasure chests.
Combat with the text:
Combat represents an Adventurers ability to fight monsters successfully.
Magic with the text:
Magic represents an Adventurers knowledge and mastery of the Arcane arts.
Religion with the text:
Religion represents an Adventurers knowledge of, and favor with, the gods.