Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Proposal: Let’s have a Theme

Self-killed. -coppro

Adminned at 27 Oct 2011 11:06:24 UTC

Change all instances of Player in the ruleset to Colonist.
Change all instances of Emperor to Governor.

Create a new Dynastic Rule “Position” with the text:

Each Colonist has a Position tracked by the GDNT that is a string no more than 20 characters long.  The default Position for a Colonist is Refugee

If a majority of EVC contain the phrase Victory Now create the following subrule of Position “Founding Father” with the text:

If a Colonist has the Position of Founding Father, they have achieved Victory

Since people are pushing down ‘meta’ themes, here is a base theme idea for us to build off of.


arthexis: he/him

25-10-2011 21:05:51 UTC

against Nothing wrong with the theme, but I don’t like it.

Brendan: he/him

25-10-2011 21:09:51 UTC

for I like it.

Amnistar: he/him

25-10-2011 21:11:18 UTC

for Explicit FOR vote with Victory Now.

Early victory conditions shape the game better as long as they aren’t achievable until later.


25-10-2011 21:23:38 UTC

against not a huge fan of the theme either.

arthexis: he/him

25-10-2011 21:24:14 UTC

Amnistar: I have an idea that could be thematic; let’s make a dynasty based around the idea of actually improving the core rules. Then the founding father can be someone that has done the best improvements. If someone makes a followup proposal along those lines, I will back this theme.


25-10-2011 21:34:28 UTC

I like arthexis’s idea. The problem I see is that it may be a solution in search of a problem. Many times we only see limitations or scams in the core rules after they’ve been exploited; would a dynasty dedicated to finding those in advance actually get enough done to justify it?


25-10-2011 21:47:06 UTC

IMO, it wouldn’t.  But would a core ruleset without any possible scams be a good one, in any case? imperial

arthexis: he/him

25-10-2011 21:58:59 UTC

I am not so interested in removing scams, I am more in favor of making the core rules more fun, something that makes play a better experience.


25-10-2011 22:45:40 UTC

for We could work with this.

redtara: they/them

25-10-2011 22:57:25 UTC

against per Arth.
And early victory conditions can lead to early victories.

Clucky: he/him

25-10-2011 22:58:02 UTC

against Early victory conditions make for quick dynasties.


25-10-2011 22:58:52 UTC



25-10-2011 23:45:44 UTC



25-10-2011 23:49:19 UTC

for Victory Eventually


26-10-2011 00:13:40 UTC



26-10-2011 01:42:46 UTC


Darknight: he/him

26-10-2011 02:16:40 UTC



26-10-2011 03:33:47 UTC



26-10-2011 04:08:22 UTC

for I was opposed when I was thinking it was about American history, but now I think it’s about outer space and the future. Until the rules say otherwise, I’m sticking with that.


26-10-2011 04:44:43 UTC


Kevan: he/him

26-10-2011 10:43:11 UTC

against Great theme, less keen on the early victory condition (particularly when it only requires half of quorum to be in favour).


26-10-2011 11:06:21 UTC


Amnistar: he/him

26-10-2011 11:41:03 UTC

Kevan, it requires half of voters, not half of FOR voters.

Prince Anduril:

26-10-2011 12:37:22 UTC

for Victory now

Kevan: he/him

26-10-2011 13:14:48 UTC

[Amnistar] That’s potentially as low as half of quorum, and it could be even lower than that, if this proposal times out. The oldest proposal is currently timing out with 26 votes; if the same happened here, only 13 players would have to CoV to include the EVC phrase. I don’t want to endorse the possibility of a victory condition that might only be supported by 13 players (and opposed or ignored by 35).


26-10-2011 14:27:03 UTC


Amnistar: he/him

26-10-2011 15:19:16 UTC

Kevan, that same logic could be used to explain just a victory condition passing period. If only 26 players vote for it we can get a victory condition with only 13 players in favor.

Kevan: he/him

26-10-2011 15:38:43 UTC

Sure, and we’d deserve that. And I would vote against a proposal that added a rule saying “Amnistar may propose the following victory condition, but only the first 26 votes count”.


26-10-2011 17:17:09 UTC


Josh: he/they

26-10-2011 21:27:23 UTC


Amnistar: he/him

26-10-2011 21:41:43 UTC

against S/K in favor of the slightly more meta theme.


26-10-2011 21:42:00 UTC



27-10-2011 18:04:12 UTC
