Sunday, September 21, 2008

Proposal: Let’s have some color!

Times out at 6-1. Oze

Adminned at 23 Sep 2008 07:55:22 UTC

If the Proposal titled “I want a purple Dragon” failed, this Proposal does nothing.  Otherwise, add the following subrules to the Rule entitled “Colors”.


Silver dragons are playful and energetic.  They are quick learners and are relatively easy to train.  They have a set small horns on their head that resemble a coronet.


Red dragons are temperamental and touchy.  They tend to be smaller than other dragons, but possess a larger flame bladder than similarly sized dragons.  They also have a distinctive set of tail spikes.


Purple dragons are the only dragon type with opposable claws.  They must be kept in a different kind of pen after the age of two months, as they will eventually learn to open the gate themselves.  To make matters worse, they have both the wit and temperament to play minor practical jokes on their breeders.


Black dragons are squat and muscular, with a prominent row of spines down their back .  They respond to most situations with total apathy, and are considered the most difficult type to train properly.  However, a fully grown and trained Black is extremely formidable.


Physically, green dragons are a compromise between other types, with a frame midway between Silver’s sleek grace and Black’s bulk.  They have a calm temperament in general, but are unstoppable when they’re angry.


Darknight: he/him

21-09-2008 04:47:21 UTC


arthexis: he/himIdle

21-09-2008 05:23:42 UTC

for  for  for  for  for  for

Oze: Idle

21-09-2008 13:17:22 UTC


Rodlen: Idle

21-09-2008 21:03:26 UTC


Rodney: Idle

21-09-2008 23:06:52 UTC


TrumanCapote: Idle

21-09-2008 23:09:00 UTC


I’d prefer that we build characteristics from statistics, not the other way around.  Having these descriptions narrows the possibilities.