Call for Judgment: lets have some order
failed by CfJ “” -Bucky
unfailed by coppro - the enactment was illegal
Times out and refails, 1-18.—Brendan
Adminned at 22 Oct 2011 09:37:21 UTC
Amend the second paragraph of rule 1.7
All Artists may cast Votes on that CfJ to indicate agreement or disagreement with the position taken in that CfJ. Unfailed CfJs continue until they reach a Quorum of FOR Votes, a Quorum of AGAINST Votes, or until 48 hours have passed since they were posted. After this time, if more than half the cast Votes are FOR Votes, the CfJ may be enacted by any Admin by updating or correcting the Gamestate and Ruleset as specified. Otherwise, the CfJ fails. A Failed CfJ has no further effect.
to read
All Artists may cast Votes on that CfJ to indicate agreement or disagreement with the position taken in that CfJ. Unresolved CFfJs cannot be resolved if there is an older unresolved CfJ and unresolved CfJs continue until they reach a Quorum of FOR Votes, a Quorum of AGAINST Votes, or until 48 hours have passed since they were posted. After this time, if more than half the cast Votes are FOR Votes, the CfJ may be enacted by any Admin by updating or correcting the Gamestate and Ruleset as specified. Otherwise, the CfJ fails. A Failed CfJ has no further effect.
Kevan: he/himIdle