Sunday, February 17, 2008

Proposal: Let’s Kick This Into High Gear

reached a quorum and timed out, final vote 8-0—Yoda

Adminned at 18 Feb 2008 18:42:39 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule titled “Ending the Game” with the following text:

Any time after 00:00:01 on February 29, 2008, any Admin may repeal the following rules without consent:
- “Doctor”
- “Working”
- “Poverty”

When all listed rules have been repealed, this rule may be repealed.

Change “As a Weekly action,” in the rule “Gunslinging” to “As a Daily action,”.


Darknight: he/himIdle

17-02-2008 02:48:00 UTC

imperial To some. If the doctor is gonna be null the that rule should go. Idk about the others. What ya’ll have ta say?

Yoda: Idle

17-02-2008 03:22:27 UTC

I also think that Seated Players should be able to do everything that Unseated Players can do.  Someone else can propose that if he would like, since I already have 2 proposals pending.

Jack: Idle

17-02-2008 13:32:46 UTC


Rodlen: Idle

17-02-2008 15:39:49 UTC


Chivalrybean: Idle

17-02-2008 17:37:10 UTC


Sheelawolf: Idle

17-02-2008 22:05:49 UTC


aaronwinborn: Idle

18-02-2008 01:06:18 UTC


spikebrennan: Idle

18-02-2008 04:20:06 UTC


Darknight: he/himIdle

18-02-2008 04:31:35 UTC

for COV