Thursday, June 25, 2009

Proposal: Let’s Look Around Town, Shall We?

Self-Killed. - Qwazukee

Adminned at 25 Jun 2009 17:19:34 UTC

Create a new rule, Locations:

There exists a variable in the GNDT called Location, the legal values of which are any location that is in the Adjacency Chart. Twice per day (i.e. Sunday, Monday), but not more frequently than once every six hours, any Tourist may move to any Location that is adjacent to their current Location. The legal values for Location are any Location that appears in the Adjacency Chart.

Create the following subrules to “Locations”:

The following Adjacency Chart is the list of Locations that are considered to be adjacent to each other:
Hotel: Casino, Beach
Beach: Restaurant, Patio, Casino, Hotel
Casino: Patio, Bar, Hotel, Beach
Patio: Restaurant, Theater, Bar, Casino, Beach
Restaurant: Theater, Patio, Beach
Bar: Theater, Patio, Casino
Theater: Bar, Restaurant, Patio


The Hotel, Casino, Restaurant, Bar, and Theater are considered to be Buildings. All other Locations are considered to be Outdoor, or Outdoors collectively.

•Location-Specific Rules

The following Locations have specific rules:

Create the following subrules to “Location-Specific Rules”:
• Outdoor Locations:

Once per day, if there is at least one Tourist in an Outdoor Location, one Tourist must roll DICE5 in the GNDT for weather, and apply the results to the weather table. If no Tourist rolls DICE5 for this purpose, all Tourists in an Outdoor Location lose 1 from their Satisfaction.
Weather Table:
1:Extremely Hot- Any Tourist who successfully Tans today adds an additional 2 to their Tan statistic. All Tourists who are in any Outdoor location today add 1 to their Tourism.
2: Sunny- Any Tourist who successfully Tans today adds an additional 1 to their Tan statistic.
3: Partly Cloudy- Any Tourist who tries to Tan today must treat their Tan as if it were one higher when rolling DICE20 to tan.
4: Rainy -No Tourist can successfully tan today, regardless of other rules. Any Tourist who is in an Outdoor location reduces their Tourism by 1.
5: Storm- No Tourist can successfully tan today, regardless of other rules. Any Tourist who is in an Outdoor location reduces their Tourism by 2, and increases their Stress by 2.


As a daily action, any Tourist who is in the Hotel may do one of the following actions:
• Rest. They decrease their Stress by 1.
• Plan their Vacation. They increase their Tourism by 1.


As a daily action, any Tourist who is on the Beach may do one of the following actions:
•Tan. The Tourist rolls DICE20 in the GNDT, and subtract $5 from their money (for sunscreen). If the resulting number is higher than their Tan Statistic, they Tan successfully. They add DICE3 to their Tan. If the number the roll is within 2 of their Tan, they also Tan successfully. They add 1 to their Tourism.


As a daily action, any Tourist who is in the Casino may do one of the following actions:
•. Play Roulette. They subtract $6 from their money, and then roll DICE11, and add the resulting number to their money.


As a daily action, any Tourist who is in the Bar may do one of the following actions:
• Buy a nice glass of cool lemonade. The Tourist spends $5, and may choose Pink or White lemonade. If they choose pink, they decrease their stress by 1, white increases their Tourism by 1.

Create a new rule, Enjoyment:

Every Tourist has the following statistics, tracked in the GNDT:
• Stress. This can be any positive integer between 1 and 20, inclusively.
• Tan. This can be any positive integer between 1 and 20, inclusively.
• Tourism. This represents how much of the Caribbean they feel they have experienced. It can be any positive integer between 1 and 25, inclusively.
• Money. This can be any Positive integer, or 0. The symbol “$” shall be used as the unit for money.
• Satisfaction.
• A Tourist’s Satisfaction is equal to their Tan, plus their Tourism, minus their stress.


Create a new rule, Tour Guide:

Up to three times a week, the Tour Guide, or Assistant Tour Guide (if such a position exists), may arrange an Event. The Tour Guide or Assistant Tour Guide creates a story post detailing the event. An Event can affect any variable in the GNDT, as allowed by that event.

Set the Money statistic of each player to 75.


I think I see a hotel, a patio, and a really nice beach! Ok…ummm… rules…: Er… none. Knock yourselves out. Here’s $75.



25-06-2009 06:34:59 UTC

for Looks like you know what you want.

Only issue I see is that it appears that the last line of the Rule “Enjoyment” is an entirely new and confusing statistic. Might want to Propose a fix.

redtara: they/them

25-06-2009 06:37:51 UTC

oh… that is a formatting problem. It was meant to be on the same line as “Satisfaction.” and that period was meant to be a colon.


25-06-2009 06:41:54 UTC

I’m dumping the Ruleset, I’ll add the new one to the History as soon as “Making the Ruleset Neat” passes.

Darknight: he/him

25-06-2009 08:25:13 UTC

for Beat ya to the ruleset move Qwaz lol. I like this theme Yuri. Perfect for summer.


25-06-2009 08:25:37 UTC



25-06-2009 09:13:04 UTC

Surely the rule should include starting values for Stress, Tan and Tourism?

redtara: they/them

25-06-2009 14:49:59 UTC

It was supposed to, I just… forgot. I’ve used up both my slots, and Amnistar’s one is illegal. Does anyone want to fix this?


25-06-2009 15:01:41 UTC



25-06-2009 15:11:26 UTC


Clucky: he/him

25-06-2009 16:41:04 UTC


Where do I begin?

Too much grind

Too much of a framework

Too similar to last dynasty.

No starting values.

Poor wording (“subtract” instead of “spend”, beach is very unclear).

Duplicate room effects

Tour guide too abusable

Duplicate wording in the rules.

No variable safety. If my rule passes, for example, you couldn’t tan if your tan was 18.


25-06-2009 16:48:00 UTC

Here’s a diagram I threw up of the rooms:


25-06-2009 16:57:34 UTC



25-06-2009 17:05:49 UTC


ais523: Mastermind

25-06-2009 18:14:18 UTC



25-06-2009 22:46:44 UTC

Sorry. We sorted out the starting values thing, but I don’t like so many rules being introduced at once, and as Clucky says they are quite similar to some of last Dynasty’s rules.

redtara: they/them

25-06-2009 23:18:48 UTC

S/K as I now agree with Clucky. This could get boring after a while. I’ll leave it up to you guys.