Proposal: Let’s make our way off this silly planet (Spacecraft)
Passed 8-0—Rodlen
Mothership launched
Adminned at 24 May 2008 09:04:53 UTC
Create a new Dynastic rule “Spacecraft” with the following text:
‘Spacecraft’ exist. There exists a wiki page called ‘Spacecraft Register’ in which the details of all existing Spacecraft are kept. Each Spacecraft has all of it’s properties (except for it’s name) listed under a sub-heading which is named the same as the Spacecraft, on the ‘Spacecraft Register’ wiki page.
The properties of the Spacecraft shall include:
Name: A name unique amongst Spacecraft that cannot exceed 30 characters.
Size: A positive integer.
Crew Capacity: A positive integer that cannot exceed the ‘Size’ property of the Spacecraft.The properties of the Spacecraft may include:
Full Title: An alternative name that can be used instead of the name above, within flavor text, which has no character limit. This should be used in favour of the ‘Name’ property if a ship should have a long, cumbersome title for story post purposes.
Design Description: A block of flavor text describing the aesthetics of the Spacecraft.A Spacecraft may only be created or modified through a successful proposal or as described by a rule.
Set the ‘Spacecraft Roster’ page to a blank wiki page.
If more than half of all comments containing counted FOR votes also contain the text “launch the mothership”, create a Spacecraft with the following properties:
Name: DDA Mothership
Size: 250
Crew Capacity: 100
Full Title: ‘Orbitus XVI’ Dimensional Defence Agency Interplanetary HQ
Design Description: A incomparably large craft resembling a brick in design. In looking at it, it is apparent no attempt has been made to make the ship look aesthetically pleasing, functionality apparently being far preferred.
I’m assuming the mothership is for protecting against planar beings with spacecraft.