Proposal: Level 1, Fight!
Timed out. Failed 5-6. —Shadowclaw
Adminned at 06 Mar 2006 06:15:51 UTC
If the Proposal titled ““Levelling Up”” failed, this Proposal does nothing.
Add a new rule, entitled Top of the tree:
Any Gostak on 1st Floor may declare victory.
Add a new rule, called Violence:
Any Gostak may punch another Gostak. Punching a Gostak increases eir Percentage by 10. A Gostak may punch another Gostak no more than once per day.
Add a new rule, entitled Percentages:
The higher a Gostak’s percentage is, the great their chance of being knocked out of the ring. Every time a Gostak is hit, the hitter must roll a DICE100 in the GNDT; if the result is lower than their Percentage, as tracked in the GNDT, then the hittee is moved to the floor below, and eir percentage is reduced by 20.
It’s a metadynasty, so I don’t see a problem with early win conditions. Also, I’ve always wanted a beat-em-up dynasty.