Saturday, June 12, 2021

Proposal: Level Knevel

Enacted 9-0. Josh

Adminned at 14 Jun 2021 13:10:25 UTC

If Proposal: Of Antioch was not enacted, this proposal does nothing.

Otherwise, change the Darkness scores of the average treasure chest and the fine treasure chest to be -1 and 0, respectively.


Kevan: he/him

12-06-2021 14:16:17 UTC

Other way around? The Fine treasure chest gives the greater reduction under the Antioch proposal (-2 and -5 respectively).

Josh: he/they

12-06-2021 14:30:32 UTC

Yeah, I thought about it, but per ais’ comments on the last proposal - an average chest gives less advantage to the player playing it, while a fine chest is something that you might elect to put out tactically, in a position close to a rival’s sepulchre.

I dunno, what do you think? It feels like average chests should be more common, as well, which lends weight to their being slightly cheaper.

Kevan: he/him

12-06-2021 14:39:37 UTC

True, the usefulness of these things does flip depending on whether they’re near your stuff or near an opponent’s, which makes it harder to cost. Maybe this is right.

Kevan: he/him

12-06-2021 16:55:23 UTC


Clucky: he/him

12-06-2021 17:06:05 UTC

Really this should’ve had a “If Proposal: Of Antioch was not enacted, enact it” rather than “does nothing” so we could safely vote down Of Antioch cause like I said in my comment there its pretty dangerous to leave that up for potentially a few hours, but

still for

ais523: Custodian

12-06-2021 18:20:44 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

12-06-2021 22:01:50 UTC


Janet: she/her

12-06-2021 23:31:31 UTC


lemon: she/her

13-06-2021 01:31:33 UTC

for should we also change up the darkness on the perception & agility features?

i wonder if we ought to make it so that, like, u can only put a single feature of negative darkness in any given chamber, for balancing

Josh: he/they

13-06-2021 10:13:50 UTC

@Lemon - might be an idea but given the lack of anybody building rooms rn I think we also might want to lower the base building cost a notch

Or maybe make it responsive to the total number of explored rooms? idk

Lulu: she/her

13-06-2021 10:33:29 UTC


lemon: she/her

13-06-2021 11:54:45 UTC

@Josh i think nobody’s building rooms primarily bc we don’t have good reason to yet; that’s why im gonna propose dark machinations 2.0 asap so we can get some Motivation in here

Kevan: he/him

13-06-2021 12:04:17 UTC

There’s also the thing that building rooms puts you closer to getting ground into Dust, should any future mechanics arrive that lower Puissance further. As ever in Nomic, it’s risky to become an outlier.

Josh: he/they

13-06-2021 13:36:00 UTC

Yeah that’s why I think it might be worth it being a little cheaper to get things started

Brendan: he/him

13-06-2021 19:50:21 UTC
