Proposal: Level Up!
Became popular 4 to 0. Enacted by Derrick.
Adminned at 02 Mar 2019 22:03:16 UTC
Add a new section to the Dynastic rules titled “Levels” with the following text:
Each Adventurer has a Level tracked in the GNDT, which is an integer defaulting to 1. Each Adventurer also has Experience, Magic, and Might, each numbers tracked in the GNDT defaulting to 0.
An Adventurer’s Exp Goal is ten times their level. At any time, if an Adventurer’s Experience is equal to or greater than their Exp Goal, they may subtract their Exp Goal from their Experience to increase their Level by 1.
Whenever an Adventurer increases their Level, they may increase either their Magic or Might by 1.
In the Hunting section, add the following underneath “Remove the Target from the list of monsters in the Wilds it is in.”:
***Increase the Hunting Adventurer’s Experience by the target’s hit points.
***Increase the Experience of any Adventurer who contributed Support to this Hunt by half the target’s hit points, rounding down.
Also in the Hunting section, add the following after “Increase the Strength by the Hunting Adventurer’s support.”:
*Increase the Strength by the Hunting Adventurer’s might.
Add a new item to the list of Items in the Marketplace:
=== Summoning Pebble===
A small magic rock that, with the right incantation, can bring items out of defeated monsters.
*Scavenging Power: 2
*Can only be used by an Adventurer with Magic 1 or higher.
Add the following to the Marketplace’s List of Trades:
30 coins → 1 Summoning Pebble
Adding some reward for beating Monsters aside from items, making a small incentive to Support others, and opening the door to Magic items or possibly spells.
Oracular rufio: