Proposal: Life Happens
Add a new rule named “Life Events” with the following text:
Life Events are listed below, where each is named and has the described effect when it is applied to a Seeker:
;RIF: That Seeker must remove a Job from each of their Vocations that contains a Job. If they removed a Job due to this action, they may optionally pick a Hobby that they have never had in any Vocation during this dynasty and add it to an empty Vocation.
;Obsolete: That Seeker must remove a Hobby of their choice, if they have one, from one of their Vocations. If they do so, they may optionally pick a Hobby that they have never had in any Vocation during this dynasty and add it to an empty Vocation.
;Emergency: That Seeker loses 10% of each Resource they have the most of at the time this was applied.
In the rule “Vocations by Life Stage”, replace “they may once carry out the Get A Job Action” with “they may carry out the Get A Job Action if they currently do not have a Job Vocation” and after the text “the Hobby being replaced is also Correlated” add the text “, and provided that they have never had that Job in any Vocation during this dynasty”.
A way to introduce changes to a Seeker’s Life. I’m putting how this happens in my next Proposal, just in case people like this idea but don’t like my next Proposal on how to do it.
Josh: he/they