Proposal: Lifted by Angels
failed 1-7 by chiiika.
Adminned at 05 Jun 2023 18:39:51 UTC
Add a subrule called Carrying to the rule Tier 1: Techno-Witch Reality with the following text:
As a Daily Communal Action, a Mindjacker may Carry which is an Atomic Action with the follow steps:
* Roll a Dice10. If the result of the roll matches with the level of some Mindjacker, proceed to the next step otherwise consider the Action complete.
* Randomly select a Mindjacker whose level is equal to the dice roll. This Mindjacker is the Passanger of this Action.The Passanger of a Carry Action, if any, Ascends provided they meet the Ascension Criteria.
Chiiika: she/herIdle
don’t think this is necessary, see Ascension by Agenda