Saturday, January 23, 2010

Proposal: Light and Shade

Passes 17-2. -Ornithopter

Adminned at 25 Jan 2010 00:38:49 UTC

In Rule 2.3 (Crises), replace “A Dormant Guest may not propose a Crisis or vote on one, and Quorum” with:-

A Dormant Guest may not propose a Crisis or vote on one, and while a Guest is Dormant, their vote on a pending Crisis is not counted. Quorum

To the end of the first paragraph of Rule 2.3, add:-

A pending Crisis may be enacted or failed as if it were the oldest pending proposal. If the oldest pending Proposal is a Crisis, the second-oldest pending Proposal may be enacted or failed as if it were the oldest pending Proposal.

To Rule 2.3, add:-

A Crisis may not be proposed or enacted while the Lights are Out.

In Rule 2.6 (Lights), replace “roll a four-sided die for each Guest” with:-

roll a four-sided die for each non-Dormant Guest

And replace “everyone in the room” with:-

every non-Dormant Guest in the room

In Rule 2.5.1 (Genealogy), replace “if a non-Dormant Guest is alone in the Library” with:-

if a non-Dormant Guest is alone in the Library and the Lights are On

In Rule 2.5.1 (Genealogy), replace “if a non-Dormant Guest is alone in the Study” with:-

if a non-Dormant Guest is alone in the Study and the Lights are On

In Rule 2.4, replace “Two of the Guests are Murderers” with “Two of the Guests may be Murderers” and “Two of the other Guests are undercover Detectives” with “Two of the other Guests may be undercover Detectives”.

Changing Crises so that they can be enacted or failed without regard to the proposal queue, so that a contentious proposal doesn’t get in the way of a unanimously angry mob. (They also can’t be enacted in the dark, since they’ll always involve “a solution to a physical problem within the manor”.) Also dropping Dormant Guests out of the vote entirely, rather than merely dropping them out of the quorum calculation.

This also has a few general fixes for light and dormancy, where it doesn’t make sense for a guest to be able to do something in the dark, or without full consciousness.

And oh, a microfix for “two of the guests are Murderers”, which - as Hix pointed out on IRC - isn’t strictly true, as there may be periods where one has idled and has yet to be replaced.


redtara: they/them

23-01-2010 13:33:28 UTC



23-01-2010 13:33:46 UTC

for Many (relatively) simple changes I agree with


23-01-2010 14:09:05 UTC



23-01-2010 15:21:24 UTC



23-01-2010 16:07:40 UTC



23-01-2010 16:09:51 UTC



23-01-2010 16:14:50 UTC



23-01-2010 18:19:56 UTC

If the two oldest pending proposals are both Crises, they can be processed out of order, which could cause weirdness with “if other thing passes” clauses. Obscure enough of a problem that I’m absolutely fine with patching it later.


23-01-2010 18:37:48 UTC

against I don’t understand why Crises can’t happen while the lights are out.  In fact, the lights being out sounds exactly like the sort of physical problem that we’d want to be able to solve with such a Proposal.

Kevan: he/him

23-01-2010 18:50:34 UTC

Mostly for theme - I’m imagining that most Crises will be along the lines of “tie this person up” or “make everyone empty their pockets”. An unlucky power cut could make a dramatic difference, which seems like a useful and theatrical threat to hang over any discussion.

I suppose we could add an explicit exception for a Crisis being processed in the dark if it has no gamestate effect beyond turning the lights on.


23-01-2010 21:07:35 UTC


ais523: Custodian

23-01-2010 21:36:01 UTC

against Crises are Proposals. The inability to enact a Proposal while the lights are out + the inability to turn the lights on without a Proposal = complete deadlock, due to the queue (you’d have to enact the crisis before you enacted the proposal to turn the lights on before you turned the lights on before you enacted the crisis…). There are currently two ways to avoid this problem, vetoing/selfkilling/failing the crisis, and a CFJ, but it leaves the nomic in a much more precarious state than it would be otherwise; leaving us with only a few possible methods of escaping a deadlock is the sort of thing that fits B, not BlogNomic.

Kevan: he/him

23-01-2010 21:45:52 UTC

That’s why “If the oldest pending Proposal is a Crisis, the second-oldest pending Proposal may be enacted or failed as if it were the oldest pending Proposal.” is in there. (Although I realise this should really be “the oldest pending non-Crisis Proposal may be enacted”, in case there are two Crises at the bottom of the queue. I’ll patch it when I’ve got more than two minutes spare, and use the veto to kill any deliberate Crisis abuse before then.)

Darknight: he/him

23-01-2010 23:15:37 UTC


Roujo: he/him

24-01-2010 03:38:47 UTC



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25-01-2010 00:20:29 UTC



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25-01-2010 06:55:35 UTC
