Light conversation?
Unless I’m mistaken, Blognomic doesn’t do a load of advertising, so where do new Protagonists learn about it? So, how, and when, did you happen to stumble upon this?
Unless I’m mistaken, Blognomic doesn’t do a load of advertising, so where do new Protagonists learn about it? So, how, and when, did you happen to stumble upon this?
I found out about nomic and had to try one. and this one is a good one to start in, and is decently well known
i used to go to a lot just to see what random shit he had up.
Hey, that’s where I got it too. Well… technically from a Google search of Mao, the card game, which brought me to
About 10 years ago, I would play a game that was basically just Pure Nomic with some friends at school (We would choose one person to be “the god” and started with just one rule: no official actions were allowed without consent from the god. Within the first few minutes, the god would typically allow things to switch over to a more democratic method.) I heard the word “Nomic” about 3 years ago, and found Blognomic about 1 year ago by Googleing for “Nomic”
I stumbled upon you guys from the bnomic wiki, which listed you as active. So you do advertise ;-P
Found it from, which I found from I actually first read about Nomic in Douglas R. Hofstadter’s book, Metamagical Themas.
I heard about Nomic in 1999, and wanted to play one ever since. Every once-in-a-while I’d Google around on the topic; unless I’m mistaken, I came across it in one of those searches.
Wikipedia is king. I actually wound up here from the article on gender-neutral pronouns, of all things, as we are used as an exemplar.
Now you know.
Wikipedia article on Spivak Pronouns sent me to one on Nomics and Blognomic was listed there.
I don’t remember, it was either wikipedia or maybe the ‘nomic database’ at I know I was doing idle research about online nomics. I was considering joining b-nomic or nomicron, but blognomic seemed much more accessible to a newbie.
Hmm. I heard of it by pure random chance from Salamander, and I liked the concept, so here I am, trying to figure out how this works. Just joined; this is my first dynasty.