Proposal: Light Rendering Update 2.0
Quorums 9-0. — Quirck
Adminned at 20 Dec 2022 11:24:03 UTC
In the rule Rooms, remove “A Room is said to be Dark if this list is empty, or Lit otherwise.”
Create a subrule of Rooms called Lighting:
A Room is said to be Dark if either its list of light sources is empty, or if all light sources within the list begin with “Unlit “. Otherwise it is Lit. Adding or removing the Unlit prefix is referred to as lighting or unlighting it respectively, and a light source can only have at most one instance of the Unlit prefix.
In all rooms that exist at the time of submitting this proposal except the Corvid Aviary, add “Unlit Lightbulb” to their light sources list. In the Foyer room, remove Sconces from its light sources.
Make Electrical Panel a subrule of Lighting, and replace its bullet points with:
* If the Circuit Breaker value for that Room was “Off” at the beginning of the Mansion Phase, change it to “On” and light all lightbulbs in that Room.
* If the Circuit Breaker value for that Room was “On” at the beginning of the Mansion Phase, change it to “Off” and unlight all lightbulbs in the Room.
In the rule Flashlight, replace “the Explorer can use it” with:
the Explorer holding the flashlight can use it
quirck: he/him
It seems like the definition of Lit room is lost