Proposal: Living Is Easy
Timed out 6-0. Josh
Adminned at 16 Mar 2022 11:20:39 UTC
Add the following as a new subrule to the rule Qubits, called Distilled Possibility:
A Maestro Team Member may take the Distil Possibilities action to change one aspect of the tracked information (Ordinal, Emperor, Theme or Style) about a Parallel Dynasty. The Distil Possibilities action is an atomic action with the following steps:
* Identify the Change Cost of the change to be made. The Change Cost of a change is 1, plus the Variance of the Parallel Dynasty to which the change is being applied, plus the Paradox of the Maestro Team Member carrying it out, minus the acting Maestro Team Member’s Inclination for Style of that Parallel Dynasty, minus three if the Parallel Dynasty in question is Abstracted, to a minimum of 1.
* Spend the Change Cost in Qubits
* Make the identified change
SingularByte: he/him
If I’m reading this right, you can spend a handful of qubits to set the parallel dynasty’s qubits to a million then immediately mine them. Perhaps the qubits value should be excluded from possible changes.