Monday, February 10, 2025

Local Rules Might Be Broken

I think the way that the rule text in “Isles of BoardGamia” might be broken with regard to Tokens. With the recent change from a Meeple’s Position to Token’s Position, the rule text suggests that the Local Rule text applies to the Token rather than the Meeple owning that Token. It’s not clear to me that this will make sense for Local Rules, especially when it comes to variables defined in Local Rules.

I don’t have any slots to fix this, but I thought I’d bring it to everyone’s attention. If no one else fixes it, I’ll either get around to it when I get a slot free, or shove it into my “Know When To Hold Em” proposal if the edit window is still open and no one objects to having some non-related changes in that proposal.


Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

10-02-2025 17:47:19 UTC

CFJ time?

Josh: he/they

10-02-2025 18:07:53 UTC

The Networks is also a Local Rule for an island that does not exist, and as such is flavour text (“When a Token is in an island, the text of that island’s Local Rule applies to that Token; otherwise, the text of that island’s Local Rule is considered flavour text for that Token”).


10-02-2025 18:44:36 UTC

The “that island’s” in the “otherwise” is confusing to me, especially as The Networks isn’t an island. I think it might mean that only Local Rules which are named after islands are flavour text for tokens.

Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

10-02-2025 18:52:35 UTC

We could promote the subrule to a local rule

JonathanDark: he/him

10-02-2025 18:55:30 UTC

It wouldn’t hurt to add clarifying language to indicate that subrules that do not contain any island’s name are not Local Rules.

JonathanDark: he/him

10-02-2025 18:57:54 UTC

Something like this:

Each subrule under this rule is known as a Local Rule, unless that subrule does not contain any island’s name.

That would exempt “The Networks” from being a Local Rule.

Josh: he/they

10-02-2025 19:01:42 UTC

It seems like that one sentence can be folded into the parent rule without any apparent difficulty.

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