Proposal: Localised Asphyxiation
Number of crew not voting AGAINST is less than quorum. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 26 Jan 2015 15:18:45 UTC
Add a new item to the list of subroutines inthe rule entitled “Subroutines”:
ASPX - Threshhold: 10. If the subject of this Subroutine has been the subject of this Subroutine a number of times equal to the current number of human Crewmembers who do not have the Injured emotion, with with each iteration of this subroutine Signed by a different Crewmember and with all iterations of this subroutine submitted to the Chip’s Computer within a single 48 hour period, then they gain the emotion Injured. Submitting this subroutine to the Ship’s Computer is a Strenuous act.