Proposal: Location
Failed 1-10, cannot be enacted without CoV. Failed by Angry Grasshopper.
Adminned at 14 Dec 2005 06:57:05 UTC
Add a new rule called “Locations” and reading as follows:
=== Locations ===
Each subsection of this Rule defines a Location that may be occupied by Protagonists. A Protagonist may occupy a maximum of one Location at any time. Protagonists’ Locations are denoted in the GNDT field “Locationâ€. New Protagonists have the location “The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese”.
Locations must include a description, maximum capacity, and list location-specific commands.
=== The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese ===
Maximum Capacity: 100
Description: A rotting heap of what was, undoubtedly, once some of the finest and awesomest cheese. To the left you see an ominous forest, and in front of you the remains of an ancient game room.
Location specific commands:
walk forward: transports a Protagonist to The Ancient Game Room.
go left: transports a Protagonist to The Ominous Forrest.
look up: gives a Protagonist a clear view of The Floating Castle.
Add the “Location” field to the GNDT. Place all players at the ruins of the fortress of cheese.
Seventy-Fifth Trombone:
Not bad, assuming you realize that under this wording, “location-specific commands” and “maximum capacity” don’t have to be abided by as you intended.
But I mean, I left the Grue Role deliberately vague, so maybe that was your idea too.
A couple of suggestions on rigorizing this:
- Location-specific commands, once enforced, might dictate the exact Result they yield.
- Directions should be absolute (north, south, etc) rather than relative (left, right, etc).
- Similarly, you might phrase the Description as the Result of the Examine command.