Proposal: Location, Location, Location
10-6, Rechead Quorum. BTW, You don’t have to explicitly vote on your own Proposals.—Chronos
Adminned at 15 Dec 2005 11:38:37 UTC
Add a new rule called “Locations” that reads as follows:
Each subsection of this Rule defines a Location. A Location has at least the following: Name, Description, Current Occupancy, Maximum Occupancy, and Exits. Current Occupancy is calculated and need not be included in the text of a Location’s subsection. A Location subsection must have a Name, Description, Maximum Occupancy, and Exits OR only a Name and include the text “=Not Yet Defined=”. A Location that contains the text “=Not Yet Defined=” should please be avoided by all players until it is defined.
A Location’s Name and Description should in some way inspire the imagination of those Protaganists that read it.
A Location’s Current Occupancy is the number of Protaganists that occupy that Location. A Location’s Current Occupancy must never exceed its Maximum Occupancy, or a Fire Marshall will be Summoned.
A Location’s Exits is an unordered list of Locations.
The use of these lists will, hopefully, be defined in later rules.
Locations may be occupied by Protagonists. A Protagonist may occupy a maximum of one Location at any time. Protagonists’ Locations are denoted in the GNDT field “Locationâ€. New Protagonists have the location “The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese”.
Add a new subsection named “The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese” to the rule “Locations” that reads as follows:
Maximum Occupancy: 100
Exits: The Ancient Game Room, The Ominous Forest.
Description: A rotting heap of what was, undoubtedly, once some of the finest and awesomest cheese. At the center, the outline of a room, walled with “$$$$“s, is visible underneath a pile of rotting camembert.
Add a new subsection named “The Ancient Game Room” to the rule “Locations” that reads as follows:
=Not Yet Defined=
Add a new subsection named “The Ominous Forest” to the rule “Locations” that reads as follows:
=Not Yet Defined=
Add a new subsection named “The Floating Castle” to the rule “Locations” that reads as follows:
=Not Yet Defined=
Add the “Location” field to the GNDT. Place all players at “The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese”.
The Protaganist Saurik is considered to be “co-author” of this proposal, for his help with tightening up the language and his helpful editing.