Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Proposal: Lockes (Demon Research) II

Self-kill-a-saurus Rex! Josh

Adminned at 05 Jul 2007 02:44:56 UTC

Payment for summoning: 5 Souls
Occasionally, a company employing Lockes may pay 3 souls to lock the daemon of another corporation for 2 time advances. The locking cost is double for the next corporation locked, 3x for the next, 4x for the next etc… When daemons are locked, the corporation who employs the locked daemons cannot release them and cannot employ new daemons. The locked corporation must continue paying the daemon costs every time time advances. Lockes CAN be locked by another lockes.


Brendan: he/him

04-07-2007 13:11:01 UTC

“Occasionally” doesn’t mean anything anymore.  Also, the first sentences says you can “lock the daemon” but the second sentence says the cost doubles “for the next corporation”—can you lock multiple daemons to one corporation?  against

Josh: he/they

04-07-2007 13:32:23 UTC

against Oh, man, the timespans have changed? I liked those.


04-07-2007 13:45:04 UTC

okay ill change it again.  against  against  against

Denis Brandao:

04-07-2007 14:14:13 UTC
