Proposal: Look Dad No Tunes
Reached quorum 8 votes to 2. Enacted by Kevan. Clucky, Spitemaster and Darknight become Band Members; so does Cpt_Koen, but since it’s illegal for him to be a Band Member, nothing happens.
Adminned at 01 Feb 2012 03:33:27 UTC
Enact a new rule, “In the Band”:-
Musicians may be Band Members or Hangers On. This is tracked as a “Band” field in the GNDT, noted as “Yes” if the Musician is a Band Member and “No” or “-” if they are a Hanger On. All Musicians start as Hangers On.
Enact a new rule, “Respect and Grievance”:-
Each Musician may Respect one Musician (or Idle Musician) and have a Grievance against one Musician (or Idle Musician). These are tracked as the name of a Musician, or the name of an Idle Musician, in the “Respect” and “Grievance” fields of the GNDT respectively. A Musician may not Respect themselves, nor have a Grievance against themselves.
If all Band Members Respect the same Hanger On and no Band Members have a Grievance against that Hanger On, then that Hanger On becomes a Band Member.
If all but one of the Band Members have a Grievance against the same Band Member, and no Band Members Respect that Band Member, then that Band Member becomes a Hanger On.
Upon enactment of this proposal, four different Musicians shall be selected at random from those who commented on the proposal, using GNDT die rolls. Each of those four Musicians shall become Band Members; all other Musicians shall be Hangers On.
Given that Ltn_Koen has used both slots, here’s a mechanical retake on the idea of voting people in and out of the band.