Friday, September 04, 2020

Proposal: Looking for Trouble

Enacted, 6-1. Josh

Adminned at 06 Sep 2020 08:01:15 UTC

Add a new rule to the ruleset, entitled Frontier Science:

A Researcher may spend X Stamina, where X is the Stamina cost for moving into their current Location, to take an Examination Action. The following are Examination Actions: General Searching, Product Scan.

When General Searching a Pathfinder performs the following Atomic Action:

* Roll DICE6. If the result is lower than the number of Distinct Discoveries with a dense concentration in that Location then skip the rest of this action.
* Generate a new Distinct Discovery in that Location. The Examining Pathfinder may optionally spend an additional 1 Stamina to set the new Distinct Discovery’s Classification to the valid value (Animal, Vegetable or Mineral) of their choice.
* Gain 1 Prestige.

When conducting a Product Scan a Pathfinder performs the following Atomic Action:

* Roll DICE2. If the result is lower than the number of Distinct Discoveries with a dense concentration in that Location that have a known Product then skip the rest of this action.
* Randomly select a Distinct Discovery that has a dense concentration in that Location and a piece of regulation Equipment. If the selected Equipment’s effect on the selected Discovery is anything other than unknown, repeat this step.
* Set the effect of the selected Equipment on the selected Discovery to Productive.


Kevan: he/him

04-09-2020 10:56:15 UTC

Potential infinite loop in the second action if a Discovery has no Product, but all the Regulation Equipment has defined non-Product effects on it? Although I suppose you just wouldn’t take the action, in that case.

Josh: he/they

04-09-2020 11:20:35 UTC

Too late to edit, sadly. Another small bug where the effect of the equipment is set to productive but no product is set, so applying that equipment to that discovery has a word interaction. Both pretty edge case and not obviously exploitable so I won’t self kill but will solemnly promise to patch with my next free slot.

Kevan: he/him

04-09-2020 11:28:23 UTC

The latter’s fine, isn’t it? A combination being recorded as Productive where the Discovery lacks a Product just means “the first time you do this, roll to see what you get”.

Josh: he/they

04-09-2020 11:32:35 UTC

Ah, yes; I misremembered the rule. Great.

Kevan: he/him

04-09-2020 13:29:46 UTC

imperial I leave it up to the ground crew.

Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

04-09-2020 18:15:17 UTC



05-09-2020 07:58:08 UTC


derrick: he/him

05-09-2020 11:30:30 UTC


Riggdan: he/him

05-09-2020 17:56:53 UTC
