Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Proposal: Losing Fame Part 2

3-6. Timed Out.—Chronos

Adminned at 23 Feb 2007 10:46:18 UTC

Create a new rule “Character Assassination”:

If an Actor has not added a named role to eir filmography or sabotaged an Actor’s image during the last week and is in the same location as another Actor (“the target”), they may sabotage the target’s public image, reducing the target’s fame by 10. To do this, they shall make a post declaring the action, and shall edit the GNDT within five minutes, reflecting the change.

This rule change is intended to “give teeth” to Actor rivalries.




21-02-2007 16:50:17 UTC


Josh: he/they

21-02-2007 16:54:05 UTC

Chronos, unless I’ve missed a rule-change somewhere, you failed Tesla’s SK’d proposal out of turn, which makes this proposal illegal.


21-02-2007 16:57:50 UTC

Josh, It was the last Pending Proposal on the sidebar, though not in the main page. As the sidebar list is ordered by the time a Proposal has been pending, the Proposal at its top is the Oldest Pending Proposal. Is it not?


21-02-2007 17:03:32 UTC

Oh god… against
This will only lead to Assassin wars.

Josh: he/they

21-02-2007 17:19:50 UTC

In that case, Chronos, the other one is invalid - which Rule 1.3 would seem to corroborate.


21-02-2007 17:32:39 UTC

1.3 Proposals

Any Actor may submit a Proposal to change the Ruleset or Gamestate, by posting an entry ( in the “Proposal” category that describes those changes (unless the Actor already has 2 Proposals pending, or has already made 3 Proposals that day).

Proposals can either be Pending, Enacted, or Failed. When a Proposal is first put forward, it is considered Pending.

Where is the violation?


21-02-2007 17:39:26 UTC

Ah, those posts were made within minutes of each other, and the only change was the title.

I saw that the title was “Proposal: Proposal:...”
instead of “Proposal:...”, so I hit the Edit link to change the title so it would look better, and the coding in the blog software went funky, because it didn’t delete the old version. That’s how the double post happened.
I thought it was stupid to just have two identical posts so I S/K’ed the older, incorrect one. The time differential was only a few seconds, but the S/K’d proposal _was_ the older proposal. Perhaps the order appeared reversed as a reselt of the weird editing coding.


21-02-2007 18:26:41 UTC



21-02-2007 18:49:32 UTC

against Tesla4D, since no one had yet commented on your double-post, you could have taken it out of the Proposal category, and gotten your Proposal slot back.  By voting to s/k it, you have to wait for it to go through the queue (if there is one).

Josh: he/they

21-02-2007 19:01:40 UTC

Chronos, the first one is not in the Proposal category.


21-02-2007 19:12:07 UTC

Josh, If so, why was it on the sidebar?

Josh: he/they

21-02-2007 19:15:24 UTC

I, I, I.

I may not have an answer to that question.

Alright, I think we can call this unusual enough to not bother worrying about.


21-02-2007 19:27:45 UTC

I agree…

Josh: he/they

21-02-2007 19:30:43 UTC

That was a very Phoenix-Wright-ish moment.


21-02-2007 19:33:16 UTC


Amnistar: he/him

21-02-2007 20:35:14 UTC

for I like it actually, because it provides an oppurtunity, and incentive, for someone to purposefully not add a role to eir filmography.


21-02-2007 20:44:35 UTC

I can see fame that never rises above 20 because people kill the fame faster than a jackrabbit on a date.


21-02-2007 20:50:38 UTC

Ignore the next post.


21-02-2007 20:51:17 UTC

This one.


21-02-2007 20:52:06 UTC

Triple posting kills 1.5 and a half kittens on a stick.  against

Amnistar: he/him

21-02-2007 22:56:11 UTC

Except that in order to defam someone you must give up 1 week of posting, during which time the other actor can host 2 parties, with a possibility of gaining 20 fame.  I think it’s reasonable.


22-02-2007 12:32:08 UTC

for Unless I missed something, we still don’t even know if Fame wins the game! >_> I just like this because it sounds fun! :)