Proposal: Loss Adjustment
Timed Out. Fails 1-4—Clucky
Adminned at 30 May 2021 16:17:14 UTC
To “Private Collections”, add:-
Each Broker has a number of named non-artwork Assets, tracked publicly, and defaulting to an empty list.
To the bullet list in “Purchase Submissions”, add:-
* ‘’‘Insurance’‘’. Cost: $2500. Extra Information: none. Effect: Gain an Insurance Asset.
In “Forgeries”, add after “if that piece of art is in a Collection or Vault it has its Price reduced to $0 there.”:-
If the piece of art is in the Collection of a Broker who has an Insurance Asset, that Broker then receives an amount of Cash equal to the previous Price of that piece of art.
Clucky: he/him
Shouldn’t you lose the insurance asset? Feels a bit strong if you don’t.