Proposal: Low Status
Reached quorum, 5-1. Enacted by JonathanDark. NOTE: Reputation was not specified as publicly or privately tracked and is thus currently orphaned.
Adminned at 21 Jan 2025 04:00:21 UTC
Add he following as a new dynastic rule, called Reputations {M}:
Each Participant may have a Reputation. A Participant’s Reputation is a string that may contain multiple comma-separated values, defaulting to blank. Each comma-separated item within a Participant’s Reputation is called a Characteristic $$$$$
If a Participant has the Rude Characteristic within their Reputation then they may not declare Victory. A Participant may only declare Victory, when otherwise permitted, if they have the Retired Characteristic $$$$$
Add the following to the end of the final paragraph of the rule Teams and Targets {I}:
If that change was made as a result of a Team achieving its Target then all Participants in the erstwhile Team that did not achieve its Target should comment to that post warmly congratulating the Team that did, within 48 hours of its posting. Any Participant who does not make such a comment when required may be given the Rude Characteristic by any other Participant.
If the ruleset contains the sentence “then the Participant has successfully Retired”, add the following immediately after it:
and may award themselves the Retired Characteristic
ais523: Custodian
Reputation needs to be defined in an immutable rule. Otherwise, this lock on victory is almost useless because it would easily be amended out of the way – if players can set their Reputation via mutable game action, why bother collecting Triumphs for the purpose?
Also, the protective $s need to be inside the sentence, not afterwards (but having only two of them means they don’t really matter – it would be much easier to remove a couple of dollar signs than it would be to Triumph often enough to Retire).
Meanwhile, I don’t like the Rude mechanic – this just seems like a way to unfairly make it much harder for players who are in the process of idling out to win if they come back later in the dynasty. It’s basically a big “you must be online every 48 hours, otherwise you lose” rule.