Proposal: Lucky Charms
Because if its problems, in honorably committed suicide. Failed by Chivalrybean
Adminned at 14 Mar 2008 22:28:08 UTC
Amend the text of Rule 2.18 (“Treasure”) to read:
2.18 Treasure
There exists a finite amount of game objects called “Treasureâ€, which can only be created by a successful Proposal. No Captain may come in possession of Treasure in any way other than those specified by the rules. There shall be a Gamestate document in the Wiki that will track each existing Treasure and it’s owner (if it has one). For a Treasure to exist, it’s Name and Gold Value must be defined by the Proposal that created it. No two Treasures may share the same Name. The Gold Value must be a positive integer. A Treasure may or may not also have a property listed as ‘Enchantment’, which consists of a string of text describing a magical effect bestowed upon the owner of the particular Treasure. Such an effect may be invoked by the owning Captain once per day (unless otherwise stated in the Treasure’s Enchantment description) and may modify any of the invoking Captain’s stats or general game condition by a specified magnitute for a specified amount of time (or until some specified event occurs). When a Captain acquires Treasure, e may keep it for as long as e wishes, or sell it whenever e is at Port. When a Captain sells Treasure, it ceases to exist and that Captain adds it’s Gold Value to er own Gold. A Captain in posession of a Treasure may invoke its magical Enchantment when e so wishes if that Treasure has not been used previously within the specified use-limit period.
Changes in bold.
Darknight: he/him