Proposal: Magic Broomstick
Passes 8-0. Enacted by Brendan.
Adminned at 25 Jun 2018 04:16:36 UTC
Remove the rule “Card Types.”
Reword the first paragraph of the rule “Cards” as follows:
A card is defined as a subrule to this rule, under the heading “List of Cards.” Each such card must have a name (which is the title of the subrule); a score (which is a nonnegative integer); a type; a constraint outlining the circumstances under which it may be played or scored; and two effects, divided into an Up Effect and a Down Effect. Each card’s type must be one of the following:
- Spell
- Potion
- Ritual
- Person
- Monster
- Labor
- Trick
- Forbidden
If a card’s Constraint, Up Effect or Down Effect refer to “a (type),” such as “a potion,” that reference is considered to be shorthand for “a card of the type (type).”
Set the type of the cards “Start Drawing” and “Start Playing” to Forbidden.
derrick: he/him