Proposal: Make Clucky Librarian
48 hours is up. According to the rules of Librarian Elections, this passes 50 to 5. Enacted by Clucky.
Adminned at 09 Dec 2006 14:04:24 UTC
Bucky has had the job long enough. Time for change. Here is a rough draft of the rules I will begin using if I am elected:
1)Every student, including the Librarian, has a set number of freshly baked cookies from the Academy Dining Hall, which are tracked column in the GNDT called “Cookies”.
2)Cookies may be earned in the following ways:
a)Anytime a student writes a proposal which passes, e gains one cookie.
b)Occasionally, a student my make a comment of “BAKE DICE3”. E gains cookies equal to the value of the role.
c)Often, a student may make a comment to the GNDT of “WAGER N XXX DICE2” Where XXX is the name of another student and N is a integer number of cookies posses by both the target and the student making the comment. If the result of the DICE2 check is a one, the student making the comment steals N of the targeted student’s cookies. If the result of the DICE2 check is a two, the student making the comment must give N of eir cookies to the targeted student.
d)Any time a student takes an action that causes another student, besides the librarian, to become lost, e gains all cookies possessed by that student.3)At any time a non-librarian student by purchase a tome from the librarian by giving the librarian a number of cookies equal to the value of the tome. Tomes are valued as follows:
i)Unlimited Copies, or 5 or more available copies: 5 cookies
ii)3 or 4 available copies: 6 cookies
iii)2 available copies: 8 cookies
iv)1 available copy: 10 cookies
Add a column to the GNDT called “Cookies”.