Proposal: Makee theet twoooo marh pleesh!
Timed out, 10 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 05 Nov 2007 09:07:06 UTC
Add a new paragraph to the subrule Beer Seller. It shall contain the following text:
While a villager is Drunk, if they attempt a Daily or Weekly action, they must roll a 1DICE100 in the GDNT. If the roll is 1-45 the action fails. If a daily action fails it connot be retried until the next day. If a weekly action fails, it cannot be retried until 48 hours have passed since the failure. If the roll is 46-100, the action works as normal and no special action is required. if the Night Watchman is drunk, in the list of people seen out at night, N will equal two thirds(rounded down) of all living Villagers, excluding the previously selected werewolf.
For weekly actions, failing just slows it down, but wont totally waste it for a week. For the night watchman, more names are shown, making the data less useful.
In the subrule Beer Seller, change the text
Any villager carrying an Ale Tankard item is “Drunkâ€. If a Drunk villager is killed, the villager or villagers responsible gain an additional acuity point. During the Day, a villager who has carried an Ale Tankard since the start of that day may “sober up†and destroy that Ale Tankard item.
Any villager carrying an Ale Tankard item is “Drunkâ€. If a Drunk villager is killed, the villager or villagers responsible gain an additional acuity point. During the Day, a villager who has carried an Ale Tankard since the start of that day may “sober up†and destroy that Ale Tankard item. A villager may not give away an ale tankard.
Kevan: he/him