Proposal: Manager Image
Reaches Underdog quorum, 6-0. Enacted by pokes.
Adminned at 19 Apr 2017 20:59:21 UTC
Add to a new section called “Managers”:
Managers have an Image to uphold for their team and themselves. This Image can be Brains, Brawn, Balls or none, and it defaults to none. Image is tracked in the GNDT. Whenever they acquire a Blogger, their Image changes to be whatever that Blogger’s highest stat is (if there is a tie among stats, then its randomly determined among the tied stats) immediately after the acquisition. Whenever a Manager acquires a Blogger whose highest stat isn’t that of their Image, that Blogger loses one Level. Whenever a Manager acquires a Blogger whose highest stat is that of their Image, that Blogger gains one Level.
Mechanic that favors getting a lot of Bloggers of the same stat (a bunch of Brainy or Ballsy Bloggers, for example). Makes you vulnerable to fool’s gold but rewards you with levels to make it interesting.
Oracular rufio:
Anyway, why is the player somehow less good because maybe the manager’s image is damaged, even assuming diversifying actually damages image? Make image generate $ or something.