Although I’m perfectly willing to actively run a Dynasty, I don’t mind passing the you-know-what to someone with a theme idea. Speak up if you’re interested. I know that Amnistar has some sort of James Bond / Secret Agent / Spy vs. Spy stuff in the works, which sounds pretty cool to me; so if e says e’s ready to go ahead with that idea, e’ll prolly get it. In any case, I’ll do what I can to make sure the Hiatus doesn’t last too long (read: speak up quick-like).
EDIT: Looks like Amnistar is ready. I pass the role of Arbiter Iuri to Amnistar. We await your Ascension Adddress.
Amnistar: he/him
Take a look at my mytalk page, it’s my prelimenary ascencion speech and first few motions, lemme know what you think (leave me a message in mytalk at the bottom) otherwise I think I’m pretty ready to go? Still trying to figure out how to keep Identities secret, but other than that yea :p