Proposal: Manul rules
Adminned at 25 Jul 2012 13:29:28 UTC
If the proposal “Setting up the scenery” does not pass, this proposal does nothing.
Add two subrules to the rule “Manuls are living creatures”,
a subrule “Feeding” saying:
A Farmer may give his Manul a drink by reducing the number of CW he has by the number of CW the Manul drinks. If a Manul hasn’t drunk 2 Bottles with Cursed Water during a Day, he dies.
and a subrule “Breeding” with the text:
As a daily action, a Farmer owning not less than two Manuls may allow his Manuls to breed. Upon doing so, he must roll DICEN in the GNDT, where N is the total number of Manuls he has divided by two and rounded down. The result of the dice roll shows how many Manuls are born. Newborn Manuls don’t wear Amulets.
Add a new rule “Manul exchange” saying:
A Farmer may at any time buy a Manul from the Demon for 8 CW, or sell a Manul to the Demon for 7 CW. The Demon has sufficient number of Manuls and does not keep track of them.
Let me know if I’m repeating mechanics from past dynasties, though I’ve glanced through a bunch of them while in dynasty 100, I can’t be sure I’m original :)
The next question may be: how may Manuls rob each other at night? Maybe they may be secretly sent to the neighbour, where they choose a random Manul that stayed and try to steal their Amulet?
Ideas are more than welcome.
Clucky: he/him