Proposal: Marauders
Quorume 9-0 -Darth
Adminned at 26 Aug 2009 15:21:32 UTC
Add a new rule called “Marauders”:
There are three types of Marauders: Fighters, Thieves, and Zombies.
Each day when a Marauding is Active, the Leader shall decrease the Food and Water by 2 times the number of Thieves.
Each day when a Marauding is Active, the Leader shall pick 1 Fallen Survivor for each Zombie. These Survivors become Infected.
As a daily action when a Marauding is Active, each non-Fallen Survivor may Fight one Marauder. When this happens, the Marauder ceases to exist. However, if the Marauder is not a Thief, the Survivor must make a Fitness Test. If the Fitness Test is Failed, the Survivor suffers damage.
Add a new subrule to Marauders, called “Maraudings”:
As a weekly action, if no Marauding is currently Active, the Leader may create a Marauding by making a Story Post with a title containing the text “[MARAUDERS]â€. This Story Post is the Marauding, and is initially Active. The Marauding shall list all Marauders involved. If a Marauding has no Marauders, it ceases to be Active.
Finished Marauders.
Although instead of you picking who will be infected, it should be random. But that can be fixed by Proposal if we want.