Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Proposal: Master of Memes

Timed out and failed, 2-2. Josh

Adminned at 23 Jun 2023 13:01:30 UTC

Add the following to the list in the rule Memes:

The meme “hyperbola” is associated with Level 8.
The meme “eudaimonia” is associated with Level 9.

Add the following as a subrule to the rule Tier 8: Non-Euclidan N-Dimentional Spectrum, entitled Far Downstream Influence:

As a Forkable Potent Existential Action, a Mindjacker may spend 3 Matterium to change a single Meme to a single other word that does not appear in the ruleset or in any pending Proposal, acquire that Meme, and then award that Meme to a single other randomly selected Mindjacker.


lemon: she/her

22-06-2023 00:59:04 UTC

i feel uncertain on this one. i don’t necessarily think there’s anything wrong with it… but i don’t see the action being very worthwhile or impactful!

so i think i’ll say against for now

JonathanDark: he/him

22-06-2023 04:28:11 UTC

shrug We can always make it more complicated later.



22-06-2023 15:46:53 UTC
