Monday, September 27, 2021

Proposal: Maximum Occupancy

Reached quorum 9 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan. This overwrites the Zone Rule of Occupancy.

Adminned at 29 Sep 2021 08:30:14 UTC

If Proposal: I swear this used to be accounting was not enacted then this proposal has no effect.

Reword the rule Occupancy to read as follows:

Each dynastic rule may contain a special Zone Rule, which is identifiable by being the text in a rule that is fully included within the Zone Rule template. Any Citizen who is not occupying a Zone may not take any actions on the basis of that Zone’s Zone Rule; Citizens who are occupying that Zone treat the Zone Rule as normal ruletext.

Add the following as a new rule to the ruleset, called Inventory:

Each player has a publicly tracked Inventory. An Inventory is a list which may contain a list of Items, and defaults to empty. A Citizen may remove any item from their Inventory at any time. Items have no effect, and their names are Flavour Text, unless they are described in this rule.


Add the following as a Zone Rule to whichever Zone includes Floor B7 at the time at which this proposal is enacted, unless that Zone already has a Zone Rule, in which case skip this step:

Storage Unit: Not more than once in every 48 hour period, a Citizen in this Zone may roll DICE100; if they do then they acquire an item based on the loot table below:
1-70: Flashlight
71-96: Toolbox
97-100: Taser

If Proposal: Snakes and Ladders was not enacted, the rest of this proposal has no effect, Otherwise, add the following as a Zone Rule to the rule Transit Control:

Elevator Control Room: Not more than once in every 48 hour period, a Citizen in this Zone may roll DICE100; if they do then they acquire an item based on the loot table below:
1-50: Half-Eaten Bagel
51-100: Keycard

Then add the following to the list of Items in the rule Inventory:

:’‘'Effect:’‘’ Allows for Pursuit Actions, as described in the rule Floors.



27-09-2021 09:30:03 UTC

“Half-Eaten Bagel”
and now i’m thinking of a coronavirus mechanic

Kevan: he/him

27-09-2021 10:46:24 UTC

The mismatched weekly/48 speeds seem unnecessary, here (why not just add more bagels?), but I should knuckle down and actually propose a game clock that runs at proposal speed.

Josh: Mastermind he/they

27-09-2021 11:00:53 UTC

I just feel like keycards are going to be important, so don’t want to gate them too much - 4 over the whole dynasty won’t be enough

Kevan: he/him

27-09-2021 11:06:37 UTC

Ah, I had that backwards, it’s the Storage Unit that would need padding out with a null object, to have both of these running at the same speed.

Josh: Mastermind he/they

27-09-2021 11:28:01 UTC

Ah yeah I see; have harmonised at 48

lemon: she/her

27-09-2021 14:11:58 UTC


Kevan: he/him

27-09-2021 14:13:13 UTC


Josh: Mastermind he/they

27-09-2021 14:19:01 UTC

Edited to correct a typo (“no” to “not”)

Snisbo: she/they

27-09-2021 14:24:50 UTC

for  Yeah, I like this better than my keycard idea anyway

Brendan: he/him

27-09-2021 14:42:55 UTC


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

27-09-2021 14:57:22 UTC


Zack: he/him

27-09-2021 19:19:54 UTC

for I think it would be cool if dropped items be left on the floor they were dropped on, for other Citizens to pick up.

Zack: he/him

27-09-2021 19:45:16 UTC

“Any Citizen who is not occupying a Zone may not take any actions on the basis of that Zone’s Zone Rule”

So, the zone rules of all zones apply to all players, you just can’t do any acton described in the rule unless you’re in that zone?

Josh: Mastermind he/they

27-09-2021 21:21:14 UTC

Pretty much. It gets weird if a player does something based on a rule that is a rule for them, but another player then reverts it on the basis that from their perspective the rule was illegally carried out.

Josh: Mastermind he/they

27-09-2021 21:21:55 UTC

NB Originally that was a deliberate back-pocket bug, but it felt too much like a loose ball.


27-09-2021 22:08:47 UTC


Zack: he/him

28-09-2021 03:16:17 UTC

against CoV I like the original idea of zone rules, this basically turns them into zone actions.

Raven1207: he/they

28-09-2021 04:55:47 UTC


Josh: Mastermind he/they

28-09-2021 08:25:23 UTC

@Zack - I support you in changing the wording to draw out the distinction! The only constraint is that ruletext needs to stay ruletext for everyone; the wording pre- this change will result in the gamestate being a huge mess, as individual changes will have Schrodinger’s legality depending on who is looking at them.

Zack: he/him

29-09-2021 02:01:28 UTC

for CoV to bring this back to quorum.